The ESF Primary Library

The Primary Library offers contemporary and classic storybooks, narratives and nonfiction books for your children. The books are written in the four languages German, English, French and Italian as well as in all mother tongue languages. The publications available in the ESF libraries can be browsed in the online catalogue. Highlights are readings, drama and poem workshops of authors, actors and illustrators, which are offered for preprimary children and all classes of the four language sections.

Stephanie von Selchow is the librarian. In the Board of the Parents’ Association, the Primary and Secondary library are represented by Sharon Mawdsley.

The Primary Library is located on the second floor of the Primary building.

Opening Hours: The library is open from Monday through Thursday 8:30am to 1pm. During this time, all classes of the Primary sections as well as L2 groups accompanied by their teachers are borrowing books every two weeks. Thursday is Mother Tongue Day.

Apart from good books, a library thrives on many details, as there is much to be done – ranging from the binding of new books to book lending and return and the organization of readings! That is the reason why we are so grateful for all the mothers who are supporting us! And we will be grateful for everybody who will help!


The quality of the artist is that what matters. The guest books, which can be viewed in the library, meanwhile show an impressive number of them, including Paul Maar, Kirsten Boie and Anthony Horowitz. Upcoming readings/ workshops will be announced periodically.


One Response to The ESF Primary Library

  1. p.andreae

    Für Stephanie v. Selchow: Schöner Blog! Ein kurzer schneller Kontakt würde mich freuen.

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